Photos of Us


10:30 fellowship: Coffee and snacks. 11 am Worship Service |

PNA Conference

The PNA (Pacific Northwest Association) of The Church of God held a conference the weekend of October 8, 2023. The photo shows Pastor Hollis Stewart, his wife Kathy Stewart, Frank Borst (PNA District Director), Tammy Palaniuk and her husband, Dennis Palaniuk.

Community Outreach


Once a week, church members visit Lakeside Assisted Living, to chat, play games, socialize with residents, and to witness Jesus Christ to those attending. Covert Blomquist is the person taking the photos.

Sixth Street Seniors have a vegetable garden. Our church donated a wheelbarrow to aid in their gardening efforts.

Our new Church Van

We all love our new van, inside and out!

Scooter Raffle results

The church raffled off a scooter to generate funds for our upcoming youth ministry. Members set up shop around town to sell tickets and to inform residents about our church. Christa Bushnell won the raffle. See Christa at left getting acquainted with the scooter. Pastor Hollis makes sure all goes well. Christa decided to give the scooter to her son Tre. His photo is at right.