Graduation Prayer


10:30 fellowship: Coffee and snacks. 11 am Worship Service |

A Prayer for Graduates

Dear Lord,
We pray You will bless these graduates
as they go out into the world
to make it a better place,
while they pursue their dreams.
Gently guide them, lead them,
show them Your way to success and happiness
through service to others,
as they maximize their own potential.
Fill them with joy when they reach their goals,
strengthen them as they deal with life's obstacles,
and show them that every challenge
is a path to character development.
Give them the intelligence
to make a plan for their futures.
Give them the patience and persistence
to pursue their ambitions.
Most of all, give them caring hearts
to look for ways to help the people they meet
on their life's journey.
Encourage them and lift them up now,
as they spread their wings
into a clear sky of limitless opportunity.
Let each and every graduate here
be wrapped in the warmth of Your infinite love,
and let Your wisdom show them the way
to make the most of their lives.
In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

By Joanna Fuchs